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Farmers Peanut Market, Inc. is excited to announce that we are installing a brand new 80' X 12' Mettler Toledo truck scale.  This scale will be a state-of-the-art low-profile scale, only 11" off the ground.  This is an exciting time to be installing this scale as fertilizer season is right around the corner and this will enable us to be able to weigh large tenders as well as large application equipment such as Rogators and Vectors, etc.  Down the road, the plan is to install a truck dumper capable off dumping large tractor trailer size vans loaded with peanuts.  Although that may be a few years away, it will complete our newest expansion plans as we continue to move into the 21st Century with cutting edge technology.  In other news, if visitors come by the facility, they will notice new paint on our oldest grain elevator and raised storage house as well as our sampler, which was raised three feet last year to accommodate these new van trailers.  Cotton is flowing from our cotton storage warehouse and business is great.  Come by and see all the new things happening at the Farmers Peanut Market, Inc. in Seaboard, NC.